Monday, February 4, 2008

Team McCain's Talking Points

I don't buy common sense -- as in the positions we have are neither liberal nor conservative but just common sense policies for America.

This is nonsense. There really are distinctions to be made in these positions. Politics is the process of defining them and gaining popular support for them.

I don't like that McCain arrogantly defines the mainstream of conservatism to the margins. He can either engage them in a debate or just ignore them. What he seems to do is snipe at them with that half-laugh.

McCain just heaps his disdain for the movement conservatives, embraces the establishment Republicans who sat on the sidelines when it came time to confront the libs. Such as getting advice on judicial nominations from Warren Rudman.

I'm not talking the Ann Coulter position of vowing to campaign for Obama or Hillary, but I have if it were not the Supreme Court seats held by Stevens and Ginsburg, and Iraq and Afghanistan, I would be ambivalent.

The lesson for conservatives for 2012 is to unify behind one standard bearer before Iowa. We can't trust the primary process to identify the best conservative.

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