Sunday, December 11, 2005

"Choice" and Blue States politics

There are so few elected and electable pro-life politicians in the Republican party that it no longer unifies the party or draws pro-life people to it. Pro-life pols are giving up and the ones that remain are marginalized in states like New York and Massachusetts.

In the Democratic party, the old pro-life pols of the 1960's and 1970's have gone to God's waiting room in Florida or to God. Hugh Carey was the first pro-life, then pro-choice, elected governor, groomed pro-choice Mario Cuomo to succeed him, and then Carey became pro-life again in retirement.

Our local congressman, a Democrat, had a pro-life dad, and a pro-life uncle (also in politics) who fathered 15 children. The congressman who is around my age, is pro-choice. He succeeded the last pro-choice congressman of the New York City delegation.

I only vote for local Republicans in the hope that they will support national Republicans who, at least under President Bush, walk and talk pro-life.

I think the New York State Republicans have a point that they excuse themselves by saying they only have votes to lose and none to gain and risk not being reelected by supporting pro-life legislation.

I conclude it's a "choice" of pragmatism over morality.

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