Sunday, April 30, 2006

What's wrong with being a Pimp?

My in-house cultural critic is my 12 year old son. Why do they even put the word pimp on television?.

My first and unsatisfactory answer is Because they can.

But I know this is a teaching moment.

He knows, as I am certain my readers know, that sin is what is contrary to God's will.

I added — what makes the sin of a pimp more serious is that he leads others into sin. So I divided sin into some categories:

1. There's a sin that involves just involves an object or person, like stealing something -- it's a desire for something that's out of control (a disorded love)

2. There's a sin that involve harm to something or someone: destroying something or hitting someone -- violence (or hatred)

3. Then there is sin that involves thought, preparation, and a deep awareness of evil: that would be fraud, lying or betrayal. (using reason to serve evil)

4. And at the deepest layer of hell, a place for those who drag others into sin. And this brings us to the pimp. He exploits two weaknesses: the desire of men for sex without the relationship of marriage and without respect for the woman, and the desire of women for money and combines the two temptations into three sins: That of the man, the woman, and his own. The new word for "panderer" is "enabler".

And when you think about it, in the Genesis account of original sin, there's a bit of a pimp in Satan who temps Eve with the fruit, namely pride and the offer of knowledge.

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