Tuesday, April 4, 2006

a night of the oscars - part III

Finale for the Oscar trilogy.

I have not been able to update the blog lately thanks to the inconsistent broadband connectivity I am having here. I would categorize it as a consumer-end-user-error. I don't wanna talk about it. *sigh*

I was not around the City over the weekend, went for a getaway trip in Langkawi. Watch out for the entry after this trilogy.

Anyway, back to the roundup for this Oscar saga.

One of the biggest stars of the night, Malaysia's funnyman Harith Iskandar (I hope I got the name right.) Harith has been around the entertainment industry long enough. He had had numerous TV shows, movies and performances under his belt. Among the movies in his filmography, I would say these two would be among the outstanding production to date - Hollywood production Anna and the King (starring Chow Yun-Fatt, and Jodie Foster) and Sepet (A local production with inter-racial love as the movie theme - A chinese boy, a malay girl, a love story). Sepet will have its sequel releasing some time soon this month (April), if not mistaken.

It would be difficult to sum out a stand-out comedy here, as it involves body language and partial acting to bring the jokes alive.

Basically, his jokes for that night circulated around Movies (thanks to the theme), Malaysian-Singaporean relationship, and just Malaysian... Malaysian Life style.

Okay. I'll just attempt to bring out one of his plays for that night. The jokes are altered to fit in the different type of presentation, however, the context will be kept as original as possible.

#1 Malaysian-Singaporean comparison
We must be proud of Malaysians.


Because, we Malaysians have choices. Singaporeans don't.


In Singapore Airport, we only need to walk to the desginated luggage hall to collect our luggage. Everything has been arranged nicely for us.

But in Malaysia, you get to choose all sort of luggage platform.. K, L, M or N.. to collect your luggage. Because the TV monitor, which is suppose to show which flight the luggages belong to, are spoilt. We wouldn't know which is which. We have to choose. Sometimes, we don't even get to get our baggage. We arrived in KL, but our luggage were sent to Bangkok! Choices!

In Singapore, all the drivers are restricted to speed limit 80km/h, even Ferrari, Porsche.

But in Malaysia, we get to have 3 different speed limit in just one highway - 60, 80, 110. Choices! We even get to have choices to IGNORE the speedlimits and go beyond 110km/h! Choices!

I tried to write another joke he told that night. But, I realized that it was not easy to bring the joke back to life through here. It's difficult. But I can assure you that Harith was really good that night! He sure was!

Next, we had this Best-Dresse Award. Whoever dressed to the theme for the night, stand chances to walkaway with lucrative prizes. The above photos showed the 6 winners for the Best Dress Award. Click on pic to enlarge.

For the men's category, the 1st runner-up was on the far left (indian custome), 2nd runner-up in the middle (chinese-dude), and the winner (tux with scarf).

For the ladies' category, the far-right was the 2nd runner-up, the middle one was the 1st runner-up, and followed by the winner.

Here's the slightly-better view on the lady best-dressed winner. (TV-view again)

Elagant, isn't she?

Last but not least, the biggest name for the night, our Malaysian diva - Ning Baizura! She sure is a diva in Malaysia. Combination of her powerful vocal, and good-look, are just too good to resist. As soon as she came down from the stage, she was soon to mobbed by the fans among the staffs.


Getting up close and personal with Ning Baizura.

She brought a delightful performance that night, with several great songs. Among them were Sway, Superstar (I forgot the name of the original singer.. Something like Jamie something?? Please help again), and most impressively Teresa Tang's (Deng LiJun 邓丽君) famous title - 月亮代表我的心 yueliang daibiao wo de xin (The moon represents my heart). Perfect pronunciation on the Mandarin Lyrics, nice pitching, good vocal. Just nice!

She rounded up her performance for the night with one of her famous song.. Awan Pilu (I forgot on the name again..) It was a memorable night. We were all given door-gift. It was a traveller's bag by Alliance Banking Group. I didn't get to snap a shot on that. So.. No photos.

Ladies and Gentlemen, A Night of the Oscars 2006 is officially over. And so is the recap here. Let's just look forward for a better and more special night a year from now. Cheers!

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