Friday, October 14, 2005

Answering: "why not wait for the hearings?"

It's too late for that. If there was anything in the public written record of Miers that the White House could feed to the media and say "Here -- this clearly is a writing sample of an intellect that belongs on the Supreme Court"

The White House hasn't done so. It's the conservative opponents of the nomination who have discovered and made her writing -- such as it is available -- to the nation.

The loyalty of the conservative movement to President Bush is not in question: We stood by for the sellout on education, immigration, Medicare prescription entitlements, signing McCain-Feingold. That's loyalty.

Rather, it is President Bush who is being disloyal to the conservative movement who elected him twice by picking someone for whom the chief priority seemed to be to always appear as if she didn't have a stake in how the Court interprets the constitution.

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