Sunday, September 11, 2005

Meeting the public in the name of the Catholic Church

The first question asked as we were setting up. Where's the nearest Catholic Church?
Answer: St. Joseph's on Waverly Place and Sixth Avenue.

A question was asked the bread becoming Jesus. After explaining the New Convenant and Jesus as the Lamb of God and the sacrifice for all given up to the Father. The response was "awesome". Amen to that. It is awesome.

A more sophisticated question came up on how do we change after death and become one with God.

The answer a friend gave is that we are made in the image and likeness of God, and given all sorts of gifts by him (grace and free will are at the top of the list) but it is for our human nature. We are human and will always be finite whereas God will always be infinite.

That's a great answer. I thought more about what death changes in us: we lose our bodies and our ability to act in this world. After the Final Judgment, those in the Lord will obtain a glorified body, in that sense we become more like Jesus but never become Jesus. We never lose our shared human nature and unique personal identity.

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