Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sealife in Edmonton

Like Mr T, I pity the fool who doesn't live in a place with 4 proper seasons. Actually I don't, but I don't mind winter either - it's kind of a resetting time. Plus, I feel that people band together when the weather's bad - kind of like those annoying stories of how New Yorkers miraculously get along while huddling together in covered doorways during a sudden downpour. New York rant aside, if you don't have real weather, then you'll miss something strangely interesting.

I live close to Whyte Ave, but once I swore that I heard whales. You know, that deep sorrowful whalesong moaning that they communicate with. Anyway, it took me a couple of minutes to full realize that I wasn't dreaming and to figure out what the heck it was. It was the sound that the blades of the graders made going down the road. Not just the regular grinding - but at the right speed and pressure, they resonate and echo like a large musical instrument. The blade is essentially being drawn like a bow across a violin string. You might not have the right grader conditions/operator, but if you do...close your eyes and listen. Cool, eh?

Lame non-winter-related sealife observation: When I was cleaning a glass, my fingers made sounds like a seal barking.

Lame winter-related sealife observation: If you stare at the whale picture long enough, it looks like it should have arms.

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