Monday, January 25, 2010

Barack Obama: blasphemer

I thought that when the occasion would come for mentioning the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, my Savior, and if we are to take Obama at his word, his Savior as well, he would do so with the same respect he has shown for the faith of Islam. He is careful to say add to the mention of the Prophet Mohamed "Peace be upon him". His pronunciation of the Holy Q'ran (Koran) is with a clipped "k=" and not a "ko-" as in "coconut". He is correctly respectful to Islam. What about his own faith, Christianity?

At an appearance at Georgetown University, a nominally Catholic university, his advance team demanded that sacred images be covered up. The greater scandal here was that the Jesuit administration of Georgetown complied.

But when it came to Obama mentioning the Holy Name with the same respect he has shown for the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and the name of The Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, he has failed, in fact he has blasphemed.

"And then you've got ads that are scaring the bejeezus out of everybody."

There are "mock oaths" -- a legacy of film and television codes of decency. Perry White had "Great Caesar's Ghost" and Yosemite Sam had "Jumping Jehosphat". We can only hope that this only a lame attempt at humor.

I have been looking for a sincere and respected invocation of the name of Jesus by the President and have yet to find it. I will keep looking.

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