Tuesday, June 2, 2009

"We have a Vatican II president,"
John O'Malley informs us in a revealing America magazine article: Catholic Culture. Diogenes

It seems that just as Bill Clinton was a "black president," even though he was white, so too Barack Obama is a "Catholic president" even though he is Protestant.

To understand the political translation, you must first understand the-- wait for it!-- spirit of Vatican II. You see, the "spirit of Vatican II' transformed human nature-- or at least our way of understanding human nature. (from Barack Obama and Vatican II: America)

The council hoped that this new style of being, which brings with it a new way of proceeding, would lead to cooperation among all persons of good will—Catholics and non-Catholics, Christians and non-Christians, believers and non-believers—on the new, massive, and sometimes terrifying problems that face humanity today.

Obama makes no distinction between the culture and ethnography of the United States which is, of course, Christian, and its government which is neither Christian nor non-Christian. Since taking the oath ("...so help me God") Obama has only used the word "Christian" to deny that the country is Christian.

In O'Malley's worldview, a Christian who denies Christ is a better Christian than one who affirms Christ. Affirmed Catholic identity is incompatible with "good will".

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