Monday, November 28, 2005

Tales of the Roe Effect

Childless by Choice:
Pitter-patter of little feet isn't for them: Chicago Tribune

When Tina Roggenkamp and her husband, Mark, decided to keep their marriage free of children they took a lot of things into account.

They considered their desire for greater freedom, something that enabled her to get a graduate degree and start a small consulting business. There was also their enjoyment of what she called "smaller things," such as being able to sleep late when they wanted and to dine out whenever the mood struck them.

There were larger issues too, such as environmental concerns and worries about an overcrowded planet.

"We worry about global warming," said the 25-year-old who lives in Charlotte. "We worry about what the world will be like in the future. There's so much uncertainty, and I can't see bringing a life into such a world."

Blogger credit:

Catholic World Report

I wonder if they reflect what the world would be like if everyone shared their view of "environmental concerns" and or if, at the very least, their own parents were childless by choice.

They are just getting a headstart on becoming the "greedy geezers" who will expect other people's children to fund their social security and medicare in 40 years.

On the positive side, think of it as culling the selfish and self-centered from the herd.

The Roe effect describes the demographic changes brought on the larger society
by the practice of artificial birth control and abortion.

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