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I believe in Christian and Catholic exceptionalism: Only the Catholic Church possess the fullness of truth in God's revelation. The search is over. Jesus has called us to the way, the truth, and the life.
Any other way is at at least partially false or incomplete.Those that "reconsider Christian practices" do so at the peril of their immortal soul.
There's media frenzy in New York City over his death. The mainstream media say that there's demand for it. It gets ratings. I think he was a good actor but I've seen it so often: John Lennon, Princess Di, John Kennedy Jr., etc. Enough is enough. The death of a celebrity ought to have more dignity than this.
McCain is still wrong on immigration, free speech, campaign financing, taxes, the role of government, health care, global warming, and the "long war" -- the need to be on offense against creeping socialism as the Dems has been pushing since FDR.
He's right on the global war on terror.
I suggest that you add "Reviewer has purchased the book at Amazon" where this is the case in order to let the reader of the review have an indication whether the reviewer may actually own the book.
I often think that she has harbored resentment that she wasn't brought into the inner circle in the administration of George H.W. Bush after her start as a speechwriter for Ronald Reagan in the middle 80's and then out of the White House in 1989. Her bio starts at age 35 with getting to Buchanan's office and since 1989, it is almost she's been living three or four years over and over again. Does she ever direct that rhetoric in order to advance some elected officials who support the agenda she supports? Talk about shooting the wounded...
At some level there's a disappointment that no Republican has a triple crown of being right on national security, the economy, and culture/social issues. It is another thing to add the cry of despair that the without Reagan, Woe is us.
I am suspicious that the media still are building up McCain. McCain is electable but I think it's time (maybe past time) for McCain to tone down the maverick stuff and get on board with the conservatives. I have another clothespin labeled McCain ready for the general election in November.
Hindu extremists attacked Christians celebrating Christmas in eastern India, ransacking and burning six churches after a dispute over a holiday cultural program that some Hindus believed encouraged conversion, officials said Wednesday.
Authorities said King was evoking his right to remain silent and was not cooperating with police.
Cops Find Body in Search for Mother of 2 Believed Abducted From Florida Home Fox News and Associated Press