Presidential ElectionAt this point I have not picked anyone to support from the 8 in the Republican party. No one seems to be perfect, but all (except one) could get my vote and I could campaign for any of them. The Democrats are incapable of getting my vote. '''I am, without apology, a single issue voter.'''
Pro-life without ambiguity.
Mike Huckabee: I like him a lot, but as governor of Arkansas, he doesn't have the experience. He's been called a tax-raiser. He polls well only in Iowa. Electability zero.
Duncan Hunter: great as a Congressman. Electability zero.
Tom Tancredo: great as a Congressman. Electability zero.
Ron Paul: on everything but abortion, an embarrassment
Pro-life with ambiguity.
Mitt Romney: he switched from being pro-choice to being pro-life. I know what his explanation is. I'm not buying it. On everything else, he's good.
John McCain: no leadership at all on pro-life and he played "Maverick" games with judicial appointments. He's paying the price now for not being a team player with the agenda Republicans. Electability: near zero.
Fred Thompson: before he announced, I sent him a donation. He just doesn't create any enthusiasm. He would be in the above group if he announced that life begins at conception or that he supported the human life amendment, even symbolically. Electability: near zero.
Pro-abortion with ambiguity.
Rudy Giuliani: he signals that he'd appoint justices that would overturn Roe v. Wade. Ted Olsen and some other pro-life legal brains are in his corner. If it came down to Rudy, Hillary, and a pro-life third party candidate, I'd be on Team Rudy.
Pro-abortion without ambiguity
no one.
I wrote the above without reviewing what other Catholics have been writing on their blogs. After I read them, I will be back on this topic.
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