The New York Times gives free publicity to NARAL's campaign against Roberts.
The Roberts supports anti-abortion terrorism ad
Things like this are so over the top, it's going to backfire.
The new media is going to point out the lies in this. Thankfully, the last abortion clinic bombing was 1998 (Eric Rudolph in Birmingham) -- seven years ago. Sometimes I think the other side hopes that there will be another bombing.
Some internal dissent on the left. Our very own Frances Kissling thinks it bad for the movement on tactical grounds:
Within the larger liberal coalition of which Naral is a part, there was considerable uneasiness about the advertisement, although leaders of other groups generally refused to speak on the record. One who did, Frances Kissling, the longtime president of Catholics for a Free Choice, said she was "deeply upset and offended" by the advertisement, which she called "far too intemperate and far too personal."
Ms. Kissling, who initiated the conversation with a reporter, said the ad "does step over the line into the kind of personal character attack we shouldn't be engaging in."
She added: "As a pro-choice person, I don't like being placed on the defensive by my leaders. Naral should pull it and move on."
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